We believe in all our products/services and stand by their quality and performance. However, things might not work in the same way for everyone. Therefore, if you come across an issue that cannot be resolved, or feel that our product isn't working as expected, you can contact us for a refund within 14 days after purchase. We'll be happy to refund the entire amount.
- We will process your refund as soon as possible. In some cases, we might even offer to resolve an issue for you.
- No refunds will be processed after 14 days post purchase. If you are not happy, apply for a refund within 14 days after purchase.
- Refund periods are based on the first purchase date. If you have purchased and requested a refund in the past, the 14 days are from the first purchase, not the repurchase date.
- By requesting and receiving a refund, you relinquish all ownership of your license and agree to cease the use of the product immediately.
- We reserve the rights to reject a refund request if deemed necessary.
- You can submit a refund request by opening a support ticket.
- The refunds do not apply on renewal payments. We will send a renewal notification email 2 weeks prior to your renewal date, so you can use this opportunity to cancel your subscription before the renewal payment is automatically processed if you plan to use our services only once.
Last updated: 26th April, 2024
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